Sunday, 20 October 2013

Liverpool Care Pathway - It Ain’t What You Say, It’s The Way That You Say It

Downsizing care expectations is the key to downsizing care and saving the NHS loadsa money...
And maybe making a bit for yourself for your trouble.

From these pages, Brighton & Hove Care LESs pilot and The Devil Is In The Detail -
5.2 Concerns about the register 
Throughout the pilots it has frequently been highlighted that it is very important to choose an appropriate name for the register. The name of the register can have a significant impact on the ease with which the sensitive conversations surrounding the register can be broached. Whereas the term ‘end of life register’ may be upsetting for some patients, a more subtle name can not only soften any negative connotations associated with consenting to the register but also help to communicate the benefits that consenting to the register presents. For example, at the time of writing the pan-London group had provisionally agreed to use the name ‘Co-ordinate my Care’ for their end-of-life care register. This name is not only sensitive to the distress that the register may cause patients but also immediately indicates to patients that the register has a purpose which is directly beneficial to their care.

A sub-set of these concerns is the potential cultural and religious sensitivities around the subject of death and whether any particular cultural groups may have objections to joining the register, and why.
The Invicta project in Kent plumped for 'My Wishes'. It really does matter what you call your death list. It can make all the difference in the world to facillitating the process of discussion/grooming and signing up the candidate you've eyeballed for your list.

This is Dying Matters –

Medical professionals are being solicited by NCPC to voice opinion on whether the '1%' is an appropriate term to use.

The questions:

1. What is your role?
2. Where is your practice/place of work?
3. Does your practice have some form of register of those approaching the end of their life (eg: 'palliative care', 'supportive care' or 'end of life care register' or specific computer coding)?
4. How many people were on the register in September 2012?
5. How many people were on the register in September 2013?
6. Has the Find Your 1% campaign made a difference to the way you manage patients at the end of life in any of the following areas:
Increased the number of patients being identified as nearing the end of life.
Encouraged earlier conversations with patients at the end of life.
Encouraged more open conversations with patients at the end of life.
Improved in-practice management of patients at end of life.
7. Does your practice use an electronic palliative care coordination system or locality register to share patient’s end of life care preferences?
8. Do you think the name 'Find your 1%' is appropriate for this campaign?
9. If you have a a suggestion for what the campaign could be called, please share it below.
10. Finally, in terms of developing the campaign further, please indicate the elements below in terms of how useful you think they would be.
The opportunity to post queries, concerns which could be addressed in the monthly messages.
The opportunity to compose the campaign's monthly email message and share your own good practice.
A conference or training day

Answers on a postcard, please...

Further reading -
Liverpool Care Pathway - Moving In For The Kill

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