Every day is a bonus. When
the 'helping hand' leads you into that darkness, then reconsider.
Before it is too late...
Here is one man's view from The Telegraph -

The Liverpool Pathway to death: how the NHS is dressing up palpable evil as kindness
By Peter Mullen Last updated: November 1st, 2012
We ought to ask Jenny Agutter and Michael York to come back and give us a reissue of Logan’s Run, the futuristic film in which people are put to death upon reaching the grand old age of thirty. I have news for you, folks: that future is with us now in the form of the so called “Liverpool Pathway” to death. They have a song about it in Liverpool, don’t they? And all the doctors, nurses and euthanasia fans gather round the bed of sick patients and croon nasally, “You’ll never walk again…”
I would advise the victims of this malevolent practice to protest, to Twist and Shout. Or, if they haven’t the energy for that, then sing:
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away;Now it looks as if they’re here to stay;Oh I believe in yesterday.
When you’re running out of tomorrows, yesterday is all you’ve got left.
85 per cent of NHS Trusts have taken advantage of this scheme to rid the country of people judged to be past their sell-by date. This “treatment” – really ill-treatment – can involve depriving the patient of water. Don’t think for a minute that hospitals do this out of the kindness of their corporate heart. No, they have received grants up to £12 million to pay for this mercy killing. Except that it’s not really mercy killing. “Euthanasia” is a Greek word meaning “easy death.” But, I’m informed, death by dehydration is not usually a particularly enjoyable way to shuffle off this mortal coil.
Relatives of the recipients – victims? – of this Scouse Road to Glory are complaining that they have not been so much as informed, let alone consulted, over the placing of their nearest and dearest into this death trap. The Liverpool Pathway is becoming the height of fashion as more than 50 per cent of deaths – and approaching 90 per cent of deaths in one enlightened hospital – are by this means.
Where you find evil, you also find bureaucracy’s vile euphemisms. Wholesale slaughter of the dying goes under the headings “Commissioning for Quality and innovation” and “Rewarding Excellence.” Oh don’t call it “death” – she’s just resting. “My Norwegian Blue grandmother likes kipping on her back.”
It’s satanic. It is dressing up palpable evil as kindness. From the four horsemen of the culture of death – the NHS, state education, abortion and euthanasia – Good Lord deliver us.
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