Many factions emerged from the Paris May Days of 1968. While Danny the Red harangued the crowd, turning himself into a spectacle, a bulwark beavered away in the background with the end-game in their sights.
They became the New Left. Perhaps, that's where Blair got 'New Labour' from. He admired Trotsky as a young man and 'Education, Education, Education' could as well be transcribed or rewritten as 'Indoctrination, Indoctrination, Indoctrination', for that is what it is become: Woke schools teaching the Woke agenda to their captive audience.
All manner of nasty creatures crawled out of the political woodwork in those May Days, doing their damnedest to form a ‘worker-student alliance’ and, fancying themselves as ‘revolutionaries'. LSE students published all manner of journals, such as ‘Worker Student Bullet-In’!
They were 'cool' and I well remember being entertained in a SOAS mess hall as one of 'yer workers' by a student brandishing his cue stick and referring to it, provocatively, as a phallic symbol. You didn't go on to 'uni' in those days; you left school and went to work. Gosh, imagine, having to work for a living.
I no longer have a copy of that particular journal but I do still have, in my cupboard under the stairs a copy of ‘Ten Days That Shook the University’ published by King Mob Echo, English section of the Marxist ‘Situationist International’.
One such faction, the Situationist International was a curious
blend of the ‘early’ Marx and nihilistic anarchism.
They applied the Marxist critique to their own situation in what
they defined as student poverty; these were the fine-fettered sprogs of the
well-to-do and the comfortably-off they espoused to despise!
E. P. Thompson recounts a letter to The Times from a Victorian gentleman
in his carriage encountering a demonstration on
Their analysis of capitalism took the form of Guy Debord’s Spectacular Commodity Economy – ‘Societe du Spectacle’...
Society is a spectacle upon which the masses engorge themselves that keeps them in awe and in submission.
Who would have thought that modern day Marxists, having bombed the base, seized the fort and taken the castle, simply by assuming themselves via the pantry into the state room, would actually employ such tactics to good effect to advance their own agendas with the 'narrative'. We are no longer 'half-way there’; we have come full term and have arrived - and bounded on with a 'great leap forward'.
We have been led down a rabbit hole by the nose and have willingly followed while they complete their goal of 'smashing capitalism' and the family - the 'evil patriarchy’ - under the guise of 'stake-holder capitalism’, climate change, Wokeness, a mad, frantic frenzy of diversity and inclusion which, just as education means indoctrination, translates as exclusivity and exclusion, all wrapped up as a spectacular commodity and sold to the gullible, engorged by the simple, each a sensation to obsess and capture and enrapture!
The Left is not a cohesive rump; it is more a collectivity of collectives. Is Bezmenov correct, then? Yes, but they are not an identifiable mass but a movement set on destroying what left there is of any common decency in the world. The West is at a crisis point at every level, economic, social - and spiritual. The players are diverse but inclusive, each with their own agenda, all part of the agenda. Players have crawled back out of the woodwork we thought we had laid them to rest in - all mentioned herein, given due attention in these pages.
Lockdown was not about a virus; it was not entirely about a vaccine: it was a process of conditioning the mind, the psyche, into a state of blithe acceptance and indifference to any and every attack upon the ‘narrative’ that any opposition could muster.
In lockdown, the masses were 'primed'. In lockdown, the masses were presented with a new spectacle to capture their attention and distract them - the global BLM insurrection against truth, heritage and tradition - the very spiritual soul of the West.
Present someone as a victim and even the most repugnant is given a polish and becomes somehow ‘acceptable’ or, at least, less repugnant.
If George Floyd were to have been judged by the ‘content of his character', he would have been found wanting. He was judged by the colour of his skin and he became a victim.
In lockdown, the masses were 'primed'. In lockdown the masses were conducted into a condition of stupor via a 'prime minister's brain' which directed them, through the medium of the mainstream TV media made available to them, as the one exclusive source of truth.
Kreskin called this the power of suggestion. In his TV series, 'The Amazing World of Kreskin', he would go amongst the audience and select people, apparently at random, but who would be amenable to suggestion. He invited them onto the stage. They would then exit the stage with Kreskin to be 'primed'. In one episode, he took them onto the roof. Via the microphone Kreskin took with him, you could hear cries of amazement. When he brought the group back down to the studio, he asked them what they had witnessed. Without fail, every one of them claimed to have seen flying saucers and nothing could convince them otherwise.
Suggestion works best, Kreskin claimed, with people in groups. He said that, using suggestion, he could never make someone do something he did not want to do, but in a crowd, as a closed group, they could be primed to do however the suggester willed it. Responsibility and commonsensibility is lost.
On a mass scale, thus focussed on what the suggester is directing and informing, the mass of the population can be manipulated. Kreskin cautioned with a warning repeated over the years that despots and false prophets have often used such techniques to influence behaviour on a mass scale. Take, as good example, the Nuremberg rallies!
The masses, locked down, with a daily diet of direction from the triumvirate at their lecterns as their one source of truth, unquestioned and inviolable, are programmed! The appropriate 'triggers' will, again, enforce their compliance.
Lockdown was a process of conditioning the mind, the psyche, into a state of blithe acceptance and indifference to any and every attack upon the ‘narrative’ that any opposition could muster.
Reading the accounts that come out of
This article - COVID Policy Reinforces Chinese Communist Party Tyranny - concludes… “hundreds of millions of Chinese have more keenly felt the communist lash than before. And the negative impact appears to be most profound on the young, who are the future of both party and nation.
Along with a slowing economy, shrinking population, and increasing emigration, growing public anger might fuel opposition to Xi’s attempt to emulate Mao Zedong by imposing unlimited party and personal rule.”
Mao’s greatest support, of course, was among the young. The brutal, blind fanaticism of the Red Guards exploded into an orgy of mass psychosis that is not forgotten to this day.
The greatest support for WOKE is among the young whose belief system must not, may not, cannot, be challenged or countered in any way. The university is a ‘safe’ place. Your ideas must not be threatened by such challenge. Yet, the whole essence of the place of learning was and should be that ideas should be challenged to reaffirm their legitimacy.
Even in the closing years of the last millennium, the door had
not been shut entirely on such an outrageous idea. ‘Heartbreak High’ was a cult
teen TV series which came out of
It forced him to question himself and his own long-held beliefs. His argument went to his roots, his Greek heritage. Heritage is important. It is where we have come from and guides us on our journey through life. Accepting these differences is true diversity, not the ‘diversity’ that imposes conformity.
He argued the case that it was the inability of the Greek city-states
to band together that caused
Kreskin cautioned us with a warning oft repeated over the years and it has come to pass. C. S. Lewis cautioned us thus:
And it has come to pass.
But this medical tyranny was never for our own good. For decades, Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum has been positioning itself as a provisional world government. His Young Global Leaders are prominent worldwide. He has long floated the concept of a great reset, a ' fourth industrial revolution'. This has very skillfully been accommodated by commandeering the extensive resources of the Fourth Estate - via the entryist tactics of the Fourth International!
The Covid-19 measures were promoted by the PRC-CCP and adopted by the WHO. They went into force worldwide with a vigour unprecedented and unseen in our lifetimes. The WHO is currently making a power grab with a vigour unprecedented and unseen in our lifetimes to impose its suzerainty.
According to the Clarence House Twitter feed, the Great Reset has begun...
His fate was sealed by his treason!
The Commons declaration of 4 January 1649:
"The Commons of England, in Parliament assembled, do Declare, That the People are, under God, the Original of all just Power: And do also Declare, that the Commons of England, in Parliament assembled, being chosen by, and representing the People, have the Supreme Power in this Nation."
John Bradshaw: "Justice knowes noe respect of
Deuteronomy 1:17, ‘Ye shall not respect persons in judgment; but ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God's’.
This is the symptom control protocol for Covid-19 patients downloaded
The government purchased a huge stock of Midazolam as part of their Covid-19 measures and this was liberally employed in care homes throughout the land.
As your constituent and having reported to you the circumstance of my brother's death, I had thought there might be some comment and commitment from you on the blanket DNR and end of life orders in elderly and disability care settings. This, especially, as this arose entirely through the lockdown measures being imposed. Alarmingly, safeguards such as those in regard to death certification have been relaxed under the Coronavirus Act, opening a Pandora's box of potential malpractice. I mentioned this to the Coroners Office and they said that it had been a subject of concern for them.
Why was Form 5 Cremation Certificate for deaths relating to Covid-19 under the Coronavirus Act removed? It was a licence for murder and to gerrymander statistics! It gave any Shipman out there a veritable field day to do their very worst. Or was it about keeping COVID 'deaths' high enough to justify the continuation of the mask and lockdown fascism, preventing autopsies and second opinions to determine the 'withs' from the 'ofs'?
I now request your assurance that there is not something sinister going on to deprive the citizens of this land of their hard-won freedoms indefinitely and permanently. A drift soon becomes slip and slide and liberties hard won are easy lost.
Mr. Johnson is now complicit. He is either a buffoon or part of this agenda to instill fear into the people of this land to comply with and accept authoritarian measures and dictatorial powers to restrict and control a free people. Can a Conservative government really be doing this? Really? Please respond with your assurance that this is not so and you are seeking an immediate inquiry into the DNR orders, the end of life orders and the use of sedation in elderly and disability settings.
Conservatives do not 'shut' down their opponents; they 'shoot' them down with sound and reasoned argument. Medicine has become politicised and weaponised. No-one is permitted to question the narrative. The politics of fear is permitting an inexorable drift into a socialist fascist world order. We are witnessing the deconstruction and destruction of western democracies. We are sleepwalking into an awful perfidy of the people by those entrusted to govern them.
History will not look well upon 'this time'. Historians will debate however did they permit this to happen? And they shall, for truth and justice will win the day - and the say - ultimately, as every despotism has found to its dismay.